Thursday, April 9, 2015

April 3 – Garden Route Road Trip (Day Four)

Today we needed to get from Knysna to Addo since we were going to Addo Elephant Park the next day. Along the way, we cut off from the N2 (the national road that we had been on mostly) and wound down to check out Nature’s Valley, an absolutely stunning beach. My favorite beach so far, as it was stunningly picturesque and serene!

 Then we wound back up to the N2 and to Boukrans bridge and I did the craziest thing I have ever done in my life... I bungee jumped off the tallest bridge in the world! Evan did it with me. You had a harness on but that was back up, your weight was all supported through your ankles. The workers wrapped the rope around your ankles, and then you had to hop to the edge while they supported you. Then they yelled “5,4,3,2,1, BUNGEE!” and before I knew it, I was diving off head first!

Those first five seconds of free fall at the very beginning was super exhilarating, I screamed extremely loudly. Then the bungee rope softly slowed you down, there was no jerking or whiplash at all. I bobbed up and down for awhile. The view of the gorge, the river, and the ocean was fun upside down. Surprisingly, it felt very peaceful bobbing up and down at the bottom. The only negative part was not being used to so much blood rushing to my head.

Then a guy in a harness lowered down to take you back up. The company takes video and photos of you which you can look at for free afterwards, but then have to pay if you want to keep them. My three friends who watched took a video of me from afar.

After bungee jumping we drove onwards and made a pit stop at Jeffrey’s beach, the best beach in South Africa for surfing. The weather was a bit overcast and bungee jumping took awhile, so we didn’t surf. Instead, we got bubble tea to go.

We drove to our accommodations by Addo, the Aardvark Hostel, which was great. We have now met up with the other half of our group who flew to Durban and drove down. It was fun to be all reunited.

At the restaurant next door the waiter highly recommended we get the Eland steak, saying that Eland is pretty rare to eat. They only get it every few years, so the whole table ended up ordering it besides the two vegetarians. We had a nice time around the camp fire to end the evening.

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