Tuesday, May 12, 2015

April 25- Rock Climbing in Kleinmond!

We went rock climbing in Kleinmond! It is about an hour and a half drive away from Cape Town, down the N2 a little bit and then on a highway along the coast that has good whale spotting (but whale spotting season is June-November). The drive was gorgeous, especially the final destination, and just a 20-minute hike up to the crags. 

Five of us went on the trip, and it was the perfect number of people to have. There were other people climbing and it was a cool atmosphere. I did five decent routes, including a South African grade 19 which is an American 5-10b, the toughest I have ever done!

The wind started pumping pretty hard later in the day, but that didn’t stop us! The views of the valley, mountains and ocean were incredible. The sunset on the drive home was stunning as well.

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