Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Social Unrest on Campus

Lately there has been some social unrest on campus. Students are protesting racial injustice at UCT and demanding that the Rhodes statue be taken down. The Rhodes statue is situated just below the Jammie stairs overlooking the rugby fields.

The initial protest began with students throwing feces on the statue. Their idea was to do something drastic in order to start discussion about racial injustice. About 20 years ago, a similar protest took place.

It is a tricky situation because Rhodes established a lot of this area and started UCT, but in doing so he displaced and mistreated lots of people.

March 30 – Hiking and Preparing for a Road Trip

I went hiking with Evan, Skyler and Daniel today up through Constantia Nek and down through Nursery Ravine into Kirstenbosch Gardens. Evan’s research project is studying an area around here that is prone to landslides and he wanted to scope it out, so we went with him. It was a great hike. The view was incredible as usual, and it was nice as always to go through Kirstenbosch Gardens.

This evening we had a housemate home-made lasagna dinner over at the #9 house (where two girls from the program live, the rest of us live in the 12 person house). Everyone chipped in helping out and the lasagna turned out delicious, full of veggies.

I spent the rest of the evening packing and preparing for our Garden Route road trip!! Five people are flying to Durban, and the other five are driving from Cape Town, and we are meeting in the middle at Addo Elephant Park and driving back together. I am doing the trip that only involves driving.

In addition, I am feeling very independent - we rented our own car, booked our own accommodations, planned our own activities, and we are just going to see what we see and feel like along the way! The Garden Route is a section of the Eastern Cape province that is one of the most picturesque drives, with cute towns and national parks along the way. So excited!

March 29 – More Beach Volleyball!

I played in a mixed doubles beach volleyball tournament! It was tons of fun, the level of play was tough and it felt good to push myself. My partner, Michael, had played in a 5’s tournament with me before, but we had never done doubles, and many of the other teams had been partners for awhile.

Michael is from Namibia and a very good beach player. He was also nice and patient with me. We did manage to beat one team who had been together a while. One of the guys used to be the coach at UCT a few years ago. It was also fun to watch the really good teams play each other.

Mercer’s parents are visiting for Easter break, and they treated us all to dinner tonight which was very generous of them. We had Asian tapas, which was one of the best meals I have had here.

March 28 – Neighbourgoods Market

I went to Neighbourgoods market, a market that happens every Saturday with a huge food vendor area and a shopping area. The food stalls sell everything from gourmet sandwiches and salads, oysters, baked goods, ice cream, sushi, pizza, greek food, ice cream, dried fruit, biltong, boer rolls, Chinese food, kombuchi, fresh squeezed juices, chocolate, wine, the list of deliciousness goes on! I got an Ahi Tuna sandwich and was very happy.

Many of the stalls also do tasters, so I got to sample a lot of yummy things. A live band was playing and the atmosphere was very sweet. The shopping area sold fancy designer stuff, some of which was still on sale but pricey overall. It was still fun to browse through though.

March 27 – Easter Break Begins

I had an exam in my surveying class. I studied really hard for it, and I hope it paid off.

To celebrate Easter break, a group of us went into town in the afternoon to get some Cape Malay food in Bo-Kaap, the area with all the brightly colored houses. I got a lamb curry with roti, very tasty. The restaurant was up the side of Signal Hill and had huge glass windows with a great view of Table Mountain and Lions Head.

After our late lunch we went to the Chocolate Cafe, a place that serves decadent chocolate everything. I had a fantastic coconut chocolate tart. Then we talked around Green Market Square. After we got back, we went into Rondebosch for dinner at Nandos, a chain that serves Peri-Peri Chicken. Peri-Peri is a South African hot sauce that comes in many flavors.

March 25 – The Best Concert Ever!

PORTUGAL THE MAN!! It was hands down best concert of my life! Cindy and I came with some of her friends. The covert was supposed to take place last Friday night, but it got rescheduled because the band had flight troubles. This is the third Kirstenbosch concert I have been to (unless you also count listening to Mi Casa in a tree), but I had never been to Kirstenbosch at night. 

It was still the same picnic deal at the beginning and during the opening act with a local group called Desmund and the Tutus performing. They were a little weird, but when Portugal the Man came on stage and everyone was standing up. Cindy and I went up by the stage.

They were terrific live, just rolling from one song to the next with not much talking. I knew every song except one or two, so I was singing my heart out and dancing the whole time!



March 23 – Hiking Up Devils Peak

Evan had a great idea today, to hike up to Devils Peak blockhouse for the sunset. We had a great time enjoying each other’s company and getting blown over by the wind.

March 22- Simons Town!

We went to Simons Town today! It was a straight one-hour train ride from Rosebank. The train tracks are right next to the ocean, which provides beautiful views. Sometimes sand gets blown on the tracks and the train has to stop and everyone has to get off - luckily that did not happen today!

Simons Town was the first naval base in Africa. Now it is a little historical town with a cute main street and delicious seafood. We had the best fish and chips ever at Bertha’s restaurant seated right by the water’s edge. A naval festival was going on this weekend with fun music playing, vendors selling food and knick knacks, tours being given on the old navy ships, and an airplane show. We had a perfect viewing of the air show while we were eating lunch.

After walking around the naval festival we walked along the main street looking in the touristy shops and buying ice cream. The rest of my housemates went home, and then Cindy and I continued walking to Boulders Beach because she had not seen the penguins yet. She went into the park and I just strolled along the board walk, enjoying the few stray penguins and the perfect weather.

March 21st – Biannual Pottery Market

Celebrated Sydney’s birthday with a birthday brunch at the house, consisting of pancakes, waffles, nutella, coconut shavings and whipped cream. After that went to a biannual pottery market in Rondebosch park. They had beautiful handmade local pottery, and I did a little gift shopping to bring home.

In the evening, we all went out to dinner at Pacho’s, which is the other Mexican restaurant besides Fat Cactus in Observatory. Then we went to Stone’s across the street and played a game of pool. Both venues had a great atmosphere.

March 20th – Semi Pro Beach Volleyball Tournament

A semi pro beach volleyball tournament was taking place at UCT and Camps Bay this Friday through Sunday. I went with Evan to watch the tournament on Friday afternoon. The event was sponsored by Flying Fish, a cider brand, and the announcer was pretty animated, shouting every other minute “add some flavour!”

There were bean bags and shade structures set up all around the court. They had a serving competition and I hit one of the hula hoops, so I won some free stuff! It was fun watching some really good people play.

Friday, March 20, 2015

March 19th – Research Project Proposal

Class got canceled today which was really nice. I took the morning for myself and walked to Observatory to do work in a café where I had a delicious red cappuccino and chocolate/hazelnut croissant.

I also submitted my research project proposal! Got lots of work to do until the final paper is due in the middle of May!

March 18th – Homemade Ice Cream

I went to The Creamery in Newlands for delicious homemade ice cream, and I got granadilla chocolate chip.

March 17th – Canoeing

I went canoeing and my partner brought her go-pro. We captured a few fun pictures.

March 15th - Hiking Up Devils Peak

I hiked up DEVILS PEAK!! I went with (MC)squared, and three other girls. One of them, Becky, had an awesome trail map of Table Mountain. We took a pretty tricky route and would have been toast without her map. They usually recommend doing this trail the first time with someone who has done it before, but we were feeling brave! The Cape Epic mountain bike race, a huge 7-day grueling race, had started at UCT that day, and our trail passed through the course. So it was cool to get to watch part of the race.

After reaching Minors Point, a few of the girls were feeling nervous about crossing Knife’s Edge, so they turned around and only Cindy and I continued. It was thrilling getting to the top of Devils Peak. Best 360 degree view of my life!

We took a different route down through Newlands forest that involved less rock scrambling and cliff hugging. So glad Cindy and I pushed through to the top!


My cooking group made ostrich with risotto... so yummy! The ostrich tasted like really good steak (even though it is a bird it is red meat).

March 14th – Beach Volleyball Tournament

I played in a doubles beach volleyball tournament at Camps Bay! My partner was not able to come until the last minute, so I showed up solo and was paired with someone not too good. We still made it through pool play, and then I was asked to join another girl whose partner was leaving. We ended up making it to the finals! That last final match was a blast. I got a bit sunburnt but it was totally worth it. 

It was also pie day today! Headed by the chef of the house, Olivia, we made an apple and a pear pie. I had never made pie crust before and it was fun! The pies turned out great.

In the evening, we went to Cape Carnival! Lillian’s boyfriend and uncle drove us into town. I had never seen the city so alive before! Cape Carnival is an annual event featuring local groups, floats and performances as they parade down the street. It occurs in the Greenpoint area all the way to Greenpoint stadium where there was a fun after-party. The costumes, music, and people watching was great. The vibe was awesome as little kids, old folk, and plenty of young folk all attended.

March 13th – Celebrating a Birthday

We celebrated Chihiro’s 21st birthday at Forks, a tapas restaurant on Long Street. It took a while for our group to decide which priced menu we wanted (they had a fixed menu for large groups). It was a very fancy meal.

March 12th – Fat Cactus With (MC)Squared

I went to dinner at Fat Cactus with (MC)squared and another one of Madison’s friends, Danielle. Fat Cactus is one of the few places around here that serves real Mexican food.

March 11th – Project Proposal Presentations

We had project proposal presentations today.It involved making a ten-minute presentation overviewing your research question, relevant literature, and methods. I think mine went ok, and I glad to have it over and done with!

I also went on a nice long run behind Rhodes Memorial. The views were stunning and the hills were exhausting. I am definitely going to make that a regular running area.

March 10th – Field Trip & Canoeing

My Water Resource Management class went on a quick field trip to the Liesbeek River. It was really interesting to learn about the one meter on the river, the constructed wetlands, the struggle of up-keeping the river (homeless people and trash), and hopeful plans to make a little reservoir off of it.
I also went canoeing, and today was extra windy so it was hard to maneuver. I partnered up with a girl who has a prosthetic leg, so when we capsized it was quite difficult to empty the canoe. After paddling in circles in the duck pond, we attempted to go out in the large canal but did not make it far due to the waves from the wind. It was a mission getting back to shore!

March 8th – Hiking Up Skeleton Gorge

 I went hiking up Skeleton Gorge with Cindy and another girl named Madison, who has the same exact birthday as me and is also blonde. Cindy and Madison share the same middle name, Clare, so we have decided to call ourselves (MC)squared.

 Skeleton Gorge is an awesome hike. It starts in Kirtsenbosch Gardens and goes up to the top of Table Mountain through a beautiful microclimate of trees to the fynbos on top. Today there happened to be a cloud on Table Mountain (which is typical), so when we got to the top we were literally in a cloud which was super cool, but a bummer we couldn’t appreciate the views.

On our hike back, we stopped in Kirstenbosch Gardens for awhile and listened to the Mi Casa concert while perched in an awesome big tree.


March 7th - Professional Rugby Game

I went to beach volleyball practice this morning. The tide had come up super high the night before, so the sand was nice and hard (makes it easier to move). It is a fun group of girls that I enjoy spending time with.

In the evening, I went to a professional rugby game between the Cape Town Stormers versus the Sharks! They play at Newlands Stadium, a huge stadium very close to our house. Even though I still don’t know all the rules to rugby, I had a fun time! Afterwards, we went to an Indian restaurant that was delicious and then into Claremont.


March 6th - Survey Practical and the Best Hot Dog Ever

We had to redo my surveying practical because our measurements were very off. Luckily, it was a relatively basic lab to do again.

In the evening, my housemates and I tried to go to Fat Cactus (one of the few Mexican restaurants around here), but we did not have a reservation and it was booked for the rest of the night. So instead we went across this street to a diner with gourmet hotdogs. I got the “batman,” and it was a bratwurst with camembert cheese, figs, baby leaves, and balsamic. Best hot dog I have ever had!

March 5th - Full Moon Hike!

We went on a FULL MOON hike with the mountain and ski club, hiking up to the blockhouse on Devil’s Peak. The full moon view was great, and it was fun hiking back down in the dark. Usually people hike Lion’s Head on full moon nights because the sunset is prettier, but it was jam packed.

I also made a new friend tonight, Cindy, who also wants to hike the Pacific Crest Trail after she graduates like me!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

March 3rd – More Canoeing

We went canoeing tonight. We were supposed to partake in the weekly timed trial of 10 km around the vlei, but there was lots of traffic due to the major forest fire raging right now. The view of the fire was stunning but also very sad.

I paddled with another novice! She is also an exchange student from the United Stats. It took us a few tries (i.e. we capsized like five times), but eventually it clicked and we were able to paddle all around the vlei and in the canals, where there are beautiful houses right on the water. Couples were going around in their paddle boats, birds were everywhere, and it was simply an awesome place to paddle.

March 2nd – Practical Group Meeting Day

I had a practical with my new group for the rest of the semester and they seem nice. In the evening, I had another meeting with my housemates as we plan our Easter break trip - road trip along the Garden route!

March 1st – Surfing at Muizenberg Beach!

Eeek, can’t believe it is March already! Went with my housemates to brunch down the road in Rondebosch at a nice cafe called Cocoa Wah Wah. I had an eggs benedict in a croissant, which was amazing!

Then in the afternoon, a group of us went to Muizenberg beach and two of the guys and I went surfing! It was so easy to rent a board and a wetsuit, and only 90 Rand (less than 9 dollars) for an hour and a half!

The waves were quite hectic though, just one right after the other so it was really hard to paddle out because you would get a few strokes in and then be hit by another wave. But it was super fun!

I was able to stand up quite a few times! There were also some cute blue jellyfish, but one stung my friend's finger. The shark alert was for “visibility unclear” conditions that day, but there had been a shark spotted two days ago. Sharks are very common at all the beaches in South Africa. You just need to watch for the warning flags.

Feb 28th - Novice Canoe Race!

I paddled 12 kilometers down the Berg River in a double kayak. The atmosphere of the event was very laid back, not a stressful race at all. It was really fun!

My partner had done a few races before, so it was nice to have someone experienced to steer. Our boat had a leak in it, and since I was sitting in the back I had the foot pumps for pumping out water so I was doing that constantly. We also had to get out at the side a few times and dump water out. The river was also fairly shallow in places, so we had to get out and push the boat a few yards. But other than that it was smooth sailing.

The group of people in the canoe club is really friendly and I enjoy spending time with them. I am pretty much the only American in the club, so it is nice to experience a side of South Africa without American influence.

Feb 27th – Rock Climbing at Peer’s Cave

I went rock climbing again this afternoon to Peer’s Cave. The organization was a mess though, as there were not enough cars for the number of people wanting to climb so some people got turned away. Our car also got separated from the other car, but it turned out nice that way to be in a smaller group.

The views from Peer’s cave were spectacular! There were routes that were completely overhanging, and I have never seen such hard routes before. There were two Norwegians studying abroad who were with us and it was fun hanging out with them.

Feb 26th - Museum Night!

A bunch of museums around Company’s Garden were open for free this evening, and there were some great food trucks. I waited way too long in line for one of the food trucks but it was worth it in the end.

Feb 25th – Project Day

It was a big project day today. I had an interview with a civil engineer in the morning, and a site visit in the afternoon led by someone who designed and maintains the water recycling system. It was great to get to walk around on the site I am studying. Very informative!

Feb 24th – Canoeing

I went canoeing again! This time did not capsize! Even on a single surfski canoe!

Feb 23rd – First Surveying Practical & More Volleyball

I had my first surveying practical this morning. I joined a nice group of three girls, but next week the instructor is going to make groups alphabetically.

The lab was pretty basic, setting up the total station to take some readings and then doing some leveling. The instruments they use are a bit different than the ones I used in my summer internship, so it is good practice. I am starting to learn some interesting theory.

I also went to volleyball practice today and wanted to see how it was like with the coach Leo there. A girl I became friends with from yesterday’s beach tournament came and we were good pepper partners. Leo had some good drills. The overall level of play though was still very low.

Leo said some of the good players won’t show up for a week or two, and that he is splitting the group into an A and B team. I am not sure if I will stick with it. I want to play, but I don’t want to waste my time if play level is still low. I’ll definitely keep doing beach on the weekends though!

There is a huge beach volleyball scene in South Africa with pros and all, and lots of beach volleyball clubs you can join (the issue for me is paying for those clubs and transportation).

Wifi finally came back on tonight at our house! It has been out since last Wednesday!

Feb 22nd – Beach Volleyball Day!

Today was an awesome beach volleyball day! The tournament was 5-on-5 (usually beach is 2-on-2) and catered to all levels of playing. It was sponsored by Aperol and Cafe Caprice, and there were free drinks, loads of free stuff (I got two different hats, sunglasses, a towel, and a lei), and even FREE SUSHI. There were also couches, shade structures set up, and music.

Our team consisted of some UCT girls and guys and one really good guy from Namibia. The UCT coach, Leo, was there too helping out and we made it to the quarterfinals. The level of play was pretty low since there were lots of newcomers, but I was happy getting some beach playing and making some new friends.

This evening, our program had a pizza dinner organized by Dean, but only Mike came. It was nice having some yummy thin crust pizza (all pizza here is thin crust) and catching up with Mike.