Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Feb 23rd – First Surveying Practical & More Volleyball

I had my first surveying practical this morning. I joined a nice group of three girls, but next week the instructor is going to make groups alphabetically.

The lab was pretty basic, setting up the total station to take some readings and then doing some leveling. The instruments they use are a bit different than the ones I used in my summer internship, so it is good practice. I am starting to learn some interesting theory.

I also went to volleyball practice today and wanted to see how it was like with the coach Leo there. A girl I became friends with from yesterday’s beach tournament came and we were good pepper partners. Leo had some good drills. The overall level of play though was still very low.

Leo said some of the good players won’t show up for a week or two, and that he is splitting the group into an A and B team. I am not sure if I will stick with it. I want to play, but I don’t want to waste my time if play level is still low. I’ll definitely keep doing beach on the weekends though!

There is a huge beach volleyball scene in South Africa with pros and all, and lots of beach volleyball clubs you can join (the issue for me is paying for those clubs and transportation).

Wifi finally came back on tonight at our house! It has been out since last Wednesday!

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