Monday, February 23, 2015

Feb 13th – Water Sensitive Urban Design Lecture

I went to a really interesting WSUD (Water Sensitive Urban Design) lecture given by Ana Deletic, a guest speaker from the Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) for Water Sensitive Cities in Australia. Ana is a world leader in integrated urban water management, and her research focuses on stormwater management and the removal of pollutants from urban runoff.

This talk was really stimulating, and it was very interesting to hear what Australia, a very dry country, is doing for water security. Questions after the talk tried to grasp how Australia’s techniques could be applied to South Africa, and while ideas can be borrowed, it seems as some original engineering is going to be required as South Africa’s water is dirtier and every place is different.

I was invited to this lecture by Kirsty, and I am very glad I went. During the lecture it started pouring rain, and Anna (from my program) was nice enough to give me a lift home.

In the afternoon, I went on a ride to visit Mareli and Jan picked me up along with Simon and Makayla and a friend of theirs. They were going camping for the weekend on Jan’s property, so it worked out perfectly for them to give me a ride.

Traffic was very bad as we pulled out during rush hour, so instead of 2.5 hours, it took about double that amount of time. But we made it!

Mareli and Jan live on a farm between Ceres and Citrusdale, so you can drive from either direction (on the way there we drove the Citrusdale way and on the way back through Ceres). It was so nice arriving at their farm house. The house is very spacious, as it used to be Jan’s parents house. They built it with enough bedrooms for their four kids. We had some dinner and then Jan went to bed, as he was one day into a three-day mountain bike race and needed to sleep. Mareli and I stayed up quite a bit later chatting and enjoying each others company

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